Monday, June 07, 2004

7 June 2004

Hello, everyone!! Fiver and I have made it in one piece to Zürich, and I'm in the middle of my third day of work. The city is small but picturesque, and I have not yet gotten (too) lost. We've walked a good deal around the city, and taken lots of mental notes.

1) I may have single-handedly increased the Asian population of Zürich by about 25%.

2) Not having any sense of direction can be detrimental in a city where the streets are curvy and the street signs are not posted in easily visible locations.

3) There are few things funnier than watching two dozen men in tight white shirts and hot pants doing synchronized aerobics in the street.

4) Rap music is very entertaining in other languages.

5) There is only so much Scooby Doo you can watch before you start madly studying a German dictionary, in hopes of learning the language faster, thus expanding your television horizons.

6) I miss instant oatmeal.

I will continue to keep you posted on other important developments and observations on the Swiss front. My dog and I are temporarily living in a 3rd floor walk-up studio on top of a hill. We have a balcony, and enough space in the apartment, mainly due to the fact that I put 85% of my things in storage. Apartment-hunting will begin next month. Work is a 35-minute walk (or a 10 minute tram ride) from home. I share a large office with two other attorneys, and our office looks out onto rooftops, steeples, and green hills. Food is expensive, both at restaurants and in the grocery store. I have greatly increased my intake of bread, bananas, peanut butter, and Nutella.

Eventually, I will have a mobile phone, which will also be a Swiss number, and my land line will be my old New York number, once I get a cable modem connection, which may take a while.

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